My experience of the interview process at Xpand

Our Digital Marketing Executive, Fran Watson, talks about her experience of being interviewed and getting the job at Xpand. 2022...
Fran Watson

Our Digital Marketing Executive, Fran Watson, talks about her experience of being interviewed and getting the job at Xpand.

2022 was the year of the big job search for me, and I was determined for it to happen.

I came across a LinkedIn job advertisement for the role of Social Media Executive in June 2022. After reading through the job description, I was pretty impressed with what was being offered at Xpand. I have to admit, I was a little sceptical too, as so many companies sound great on screen, but can be very different when you get there.

After a little research into Xpand, I quickly hit the apply button and sent off my email with my lengthy cover letter explaining my creative background from my Master’s degree, limited experience in marketing, but enthusiasm to learn more.

I got the call!

Shortly after, I received a message from Danni, Xpand’s Digital Marketing Manager, asking if I was still interested in the role. After a few failed interviews with other companies, I wasn’t feeling confident that I’d get the job, but persevered anyway because it’s all good experience, even if I wasn’t successful!

From the initial phone call with Danni, a lot of my queries were answered, mostly about training, work-life balance and the potential to progress. The chat soon diverted to mine and Danni’s beloved senior dogs! After having such a successful call, I was looking forward to heading into the Xpand office for the interview, but knowing I would be given an assessment as part of the interview, the nerves were starting to set in.

I learnt a while ago to not leave interviews feeling as if I’d knocked it out of the park, as those were the ones where I was quickly brought back down to earth with a bang! I did, however, leave the interview feeling more impressed with Xpand. But sure enough, early the next morning I received the phone call from Jag, Xpand’s Director, offering me the position. A lot of celebrations, dancing and happy tears erupted after the phone call. This was to be my first career-focused job role. It may have taken a while to get here but I did it!

Going from managing a city centre restaurant to starting my first office role wasn’t going to be an easy transition for me. Being sat at a desk, compared to being on my feet for 12-hour shifts in my previous role, wasn’t something I was used to. I’ll admit, I am a bit of a fidgeter and I’m constantly swinging in my chair (unfortunately, I seem to have the squeakiest chair this side of Yorkshire. Note to self: bring in some WD40). 

Well, I wasn’t expecting this…

So, I started my first day just over a week after the phone call from Jag, and the imposter syndrome was starting to set in and the doubts were swimming around my head. But despite my own doubts, I was warmly welcomed with a gift waiting for me at my desk and a welcome to the team lunch, what a lovely surprise. It’s always the little things that make the biggest difference! With a scheduled training program for the month, it didn’t take long to settle in and get going.

Before joining Xpand, my highest priority was to get a job with a good work-life balance, coming from being a restaurant manager and not remembering the last time I had a weekend off (what even was a weekend?). Xpand continue to champion this and always will, as you can’t do your best work without having breaks and time to recuperate, even though my stubbornness might disagree at times!

My first week was great. I was involved in meetings with clients and a lot of learning. My head was definitely blagged by the end of the week, in the best way possible!

Bring on the next two months!

So, now I’ve been here for two months, it has literally flown by! From my first review, currently thundering towards my second one, to team days at the driving range (I wasn’t too shabby either), I couldn’t have asked for a better place or team to start my career in marketing! 

There’s still a lot more to learn and a few more mistakes to make but I’m happy to be making them with Xpand, because I know I’ll get the right support to develop my career.

Interested in building a career at Xpand? Keep an eye on our careers page.