[UPDATED] Why Social Media In Construction Should Be Embraced

If you're working in the construction sector and are wondering how social media can benefit your business, this blog is for you.

Danni Johnson

Social media is arguably one of the most valuable marketing tools for any business. With over 56.2 million people in the UK using a social media account, businesses are now able to reach larger audiences than ever before. 

Industries across the spectrum are already leveraging the power of social media for brand visibility, client engagement, and industry influence. The construction sector, however, needs to catch up and embrace the digital revolution. 

Why? Maybe because construction is a very ‘real world’ industry and digital marketing is quite far removed from the ‘bricks and mortar’ sector they work in. Social media in the construction industry is a great way to build brand awareness which can generate leads in any industry. 

In this blog, we explore why companies should break through the digital barrier and embrace social media in construction for a better online presence and business results. 

The UK has 56.2m social media users as of January 2024. Courtesy of Datareportal.

Table Of Contents

  1. TL:DR: Why is social media in the construction industry essential? 
  2. What is Social Media Marketing?
  3. How useful is social media marketing in the construction sector?
  4. Why should your construction company embrace social media?
  5. Building Your Brand and Awareness: The Power of Storytelling in Construction
  6. People are usually making big decisions and they want guidance through it
  7. It increases your chances of being seen
  8. Building Stronger Relationships: Engaging with Your Clients on Social Media
  9. Attract the Younger Generation for Recruitment
  10. Industry Thought Leadership and Knowledge Sharing
  11. What are the best social media platforms for construction companies? 
  12. Embrace the digital change, stay relevant, and future-proof your business.
  13. Addressing Concerns and Overcoming Challenges: Making Social Media Work for Your Construction Company
  14. Summary

TL:DR: Why is social media in the construction industry essential? 

It is essential that construction companies leverage social media. The benefits of social media marketing for construction companies include:

  • Boost Brand Awareness: Social media gets your company name out there, reaching a wider audience of potential clients and employees.
  • Showcase Expertise: Share project updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and completed work to establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry.
  • Targeted Recruitment: Use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with skilled workers and showcase your company culture to attract top talent.
  • Customer Engagement: Respond to inquiries, address concerns, and build trust with current and potential customers.

In short, social media is a powerful tool for construction companies to build brand, attract clients, and connect with the workforce.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing involves using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others to connect with your target audience, share your brand story, and achieve your marketing goals. It’s a powerful tool that goes beyond personal connections to reach a wider audience and build a robust online presence.

How useful is social media marketing for construction companies?

While the construction industry typically relies on traditional marketing channels, the digital shift is undeniable. Social media marketing in construction is on the rise. A survey by the Construction Marketing Association found: 

  • 97% of construction professionals use social media for business purposes
  • 82% of construction companies believe social media is an important part of their marketing strategy
  • 84% of homebuilders use social media to communicate with their clients and prospects.

Fran Watson, Senior Social Media Executive at Xpand regularly stresses to our construction clients: “Social media is not just a trend; it’s a necessity in today’s business landscape. The Construction Marketing Association statistics show how important social media marketing in construction is. Companies can benefit immensely from strategic social media engagement.”

Why should your construction company embrace social media?

Fran added: “That’s simple. If you don’t, you won’t last. As mentioned before, more of your target audience and your competition are utilising social media daily. In fact, in the UK, in 2023, people spent an average of 1 hour 49 minutes on social media.” 

Building Your Brand and Awareness: The Power of Storytelling in Construction

In the competitive world of construction, brand awareness is crucial for attracting new clients and standing out from the crowd. Social media offers a unique platform to not only showcase your expertise but also build a strong and memorable brand identity. Here’s how:

1. Tell compelling stories: 

Construction is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s about transforming visions into reality. Use social media in the construction industry to share the stories behind your projects.

  • Before-and-after photos and videos: Visually demonstrate the dramatic transformation of a space, from vacant land to a dream home or a bustling office building.
  • Project timelines with key milestones: Highlight your team’s efficiency and progress, keeping your audience engaged and invested in the journey.
  • Employee spotlights: Showcase the human element behind your company. Feature your team members, their expertise, and their passion for construction.

2. Use visuals to connect emotionally:

  • High-quality photos and videos capture the grandeur and impact of your completed projects.
  • Time-lapse videos showcase the progress of your construction efforts, condensing months of work into a captivating few seconds.
  • Drone footage offers viewers a bird’s-eye view of your projects, showcasing the scale and complexity of your work.

3. Highlight your values and build trust:

  • Share community involvement projects on your social media channels: Demonstrate your commitment to giving back and making a positive impact.
  • Post about safety initiatives and awards: Showcase your dedication to worker safety and quality standards.
  • Feature testimonials and client reviews: Let your satisfied customers speak for you, building trust and credibility.

4. Be consistent and engaging:

  • Develop a consistent voice and visual style that reflects your brand personality.
  • Post regularly and consistently to stay top-of-mind with your audience.
  • Respond to comments and messages promptly and professionally, encouraging engagement and building communities.

Fran added: “By combining compelling storytelling with visually stunning social media content, you can build a strong brand that resonates with your target audience, differentiates you from competitors, and positions your construction company for long-term success.”

Example construction company soical media posts

People are usually making big decisions and they want guidance through it

Fran said: “Usually, customers in this sector are making an important and high-value investment. Because of this, they’re likely to take their time when choosing the right company for them, making sure they do their research. 

“To allow your potential customers to move along the sales process, make sure you’re keeping your messaging consistent and providing them with the information they need, at every touchpoint.” 

55.7% of customers in the UK now research brands on social media before making a purchase. So, if you’re not present, you could be ruling yourself out. 

How marketing plays a part in the buyer journey.

Building a presence online is an opportunity to gain social proof which is a psychological concept referring to someone who mimics the actions of someone else because they believe their actions are correct. 

Think about sharing testimonial content from previous customers, asking for reviews and taking note of any positive comments that people are leaving on your social media. The idea of social proof is to use third-party influence to sway potential customers.

It increases your chances of being seen

As we’ve previously mentioned, the number of people using social media highlights the possibilities available to your business by using these platforms, including increasing your brand awareness. 

Fran added: “Social media offers construction companies a powerful tool to reach a wider audience and target specific demographics, ultimately attracting potential clients and building trust. 

“But, to be successful with this, having a good understanding of your audience is key. You need to make sure that the content you create is relevant and isn’t always sales-focused or you’ll lose them on the first scroll.”

Here’s how this can be achieved:

1. Expanding Your Reach:

  • Go beyond your local market: 

Unlike traditional advertising methods, social media platforms allow you to reach potential clients across geographical boundaries.

  • Leverage SEO (search engine optimisation): 

Using relevant keywords in your social media posts helps your content show up in search results for users interested in specific topics, like “construction”, “home improvement”, or “commercial building”.

  • Run targeted ads: 

Most social media platforms offer sophisticated advertising tools that allow you to target specific demographics based on factors like age, location, interests, and even online behaviour. This ensures your message reaches the most relevant audience for your construction services.

2. Attracting Potential Clients:

  • Showcase your expertise: 

Share high-quality photos and videos of your completed projects, highlighting the complexity, scale, and craftsmanship of your work.

  • Testimonials are gold: 

Feature positive client testimonials and reviews on your social media pages. These authentic endorsements build trust and social proof, influencing potential clients who are considering your services.

  • Showcase your problem-solving skills: 

Share case studies that demonstrate how you overcame challenges and delivered successful projects for clients with specific needs. This resonates with potential clients facing similar challenges, showcasing your ability to deliver solutions.

3. Lead Generation and engagement with Targeted Content:

  • Run targeted ad campaigns: 

Use social media in the construction industry to run advertising to promote informative and engaging content, like educational blog posts, project updates, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.

  • Respond to comments and messages: 

Actively engage with potential clients who reach out on your social media pages. Answer their questions, address their concerns, and demonstrate your commitment to providing excellent customer service.

  • Host Q&A sessions: 

Utilise features like Instagram Live or Twitter Spaces to host live Q&A sessions, allowing potential clients to directly interact with your team and learn more about your services.

By combining these strategies, you can leverage social media to build a strong online presence, connect with potential clients, and ultimately drive new business for your construction company.

Building Stronger Relationships: Engaging with Your Clients on Social Media

Social media isn’t just about attracting new clients; it’s also a powerful tool to nurture existing customer relationships with your current clients. By fostering communication and engagement, you can build trust, and loyalty, and ultimately encourage positive reviews and referrals.

1. Enhancing Communication:

  • Share regular project updates: 

Keep your clients informed by sharing photos, videos, and brief descriptions of the progress made on their projects. This demonstrates transparency and keeps them invested in the process.

  • Answer questions promptly: 

Respond to client inquiries and concerns on social media platforms in a timely and professional manner. This shows you value their feedback and are committed to providing excellent customer service.

  • Host dedicated client forums: 

Create private groups or forums on social media platforms specifically for your existing clients. This allows them to connect, share experiences, and ask questions in a safe and controlled environment.

2. Building Trust:

  • Showcase your responsiveness: 

By actively engaging with your clients on social media, you demonstrate your dedication to their satisfaction. This builds trust and strengthens the relationship between your company and your clients.

  • Acknowledge and celebrate milestones: 

Celebrate project milestones, like reaching completion or resolving a major challenge, with your clients on social media. This shows them you appreciate their business and are invested in their success.

  • Share positive client testimonials: 

Featuring positive testimonials and reviews on your social media pages demonstrates the trust your existing clients have in your company and builds trust with potential clients as well.

3. The Power of Recommendations:

By developing positive relationships and demonstrating your commitment to client satisfaction through social media engagement, you increase the likelihood of generating positive reviews and referrals. Satisfied clients who feel valued and heard are more likely to recommend your services to their social network, expanding your reach and attracting new clients organically.

Remember, social media is a two-way street. By actively listening to your clients, addressing their concerns, and celebrating their successes, you can build lasting relationships and establish your construction company as a trusted partner in their projects.

Attract the Younger Generation for Recruitment

According to CITB, there were approximately 33,600 apprenticeship starts in construction in 2022/23, around a 5% decrease on the previous year but 10% more than the pre-COVID-19 average. CITB estimates that apprenticeship starts will need to double to meet current recruitment requirements.

Unsurprisingly, a significant portion of social media users still fall within the 18-34 age group of social media users in the UK. With this statistic largely covering the younger generation opposed to working in the construction industry, social media could potentially be the most effective way of changing their perceptions of the industry.

Use social media in the construction industry to reach this audience and showcase the real opportunities involved in working in the industry and remove any stereotypes. As we have explained above, the construction industry is visual, which isn’t just attractive to potential buyers, but employees also. 

Make use of visual platforms like Instagram to: 

  • Showcase your work so potential employees can see what you do as a business and be inspired
  • Show content of your employees on the job, so they can see a glimpse into the day-to-day life of your business 
  • Advertise any open positions you have that will appeal to this audience such as apprenticeships and the benefits they can offer them 

Fran said: “Platforms like LinkedIn are ideal for showcasing company culture, employee stories, and career opportunities to attract skilled younger workers. Barratt Developments are investing in LinkedIn and using the ‘life’ tab well.”  

Barratt Developments are investing in LinkedIn

Fran stressed: “you can also use social platforms, particularly LinkedIn to leverage communities and build professional connections with construction schools and industry groups.” You can do this by:

  • Join relevant groups and communities on LinkedIn to connect with potential candidates and stay informed about industry trends and discussions.
  • Engage with career advisors and educators: Collaborate with career advisors and educators at construction schools to discuss opportunities and showcase career paths within your company.
  • Participate in industry events and discussions: Participate in online discussions and events on LinkedIn to position your company as a thought leader and attract talent interested in contributing to the industry’s future.

Fran continued: “you may have heard of Employee advocacy. If your employees are using their social media platforms to shout about your company, you’re already there. You just need to use this opportunity. If they’re not, there are ways you can guide them.” 

Industry Thought Leadership and Knowledge Sharing

Fran added: “Social media can be a powerful platform for construction companies to establish themselves as thought leaders within the industry. By sharing valuable insights, collaborating with other professionals, and actively participating in industry conversations, you can build trust, attract skilled workers, and position your company at the forefront of innovation.”

1. Share Valuable Content:

  • Publish blog posts and articles: 

Share your expertise by writing informative and engaging content on relevant industry topics, like sustainable building practices, technology advancements, or project management techniques.

  • Create infographics and videos: 

Use visually compelling formats to present complex information in an easily digestible way, increasing engagement and reach.

  • Participate in industry events and conferences: 

Share your key takeaways and insights from industry events on social media, demonstrating your commitment to staying informed and contributing to the conversation.

2. Collaborative Efforts:

  • Engage in industry discussions: 

Participate in online forums, groups, and discussions relevant to your niche within the construction industry. Share your knowledge, offer insightful perspectives, and engage in respectful debates.

  • Collaborate with other professionals: 

Partner with industry leaders, influencers, or academics to co-create content, host webinars, or participate in joint social media campaigns. This expands your reach, leverages diverse expertise, and fosters a collaborative spirit within the industry.

  • Engage with media outlets: 

Share your company’s story and expertise by engaging with relevant media publications and journalists. This can lead to featuring your company as a thought leader in industry publications or news segments.

Benefits of Thought Leadership:

  • Builds trust and credibility: 

By consistently sharing valuable content and engaging in meaningful discussions, you establish your company as a reliable source of information and expertise.

  • Attracts and retains talent: 

Skilled professionals are more likely to be drawn to companies that actively contribute to the industry, offering opportunities for learning and professional development.

  • Positions your company for growth: 

Establishing yourself as a thought leader can lead to new business opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations within the construction industry.

Fran reminds us that “building thought leadership is a continuous process.” By consistently sharing valuable insights, engaging with the community, and demonstrating your commitment to innovation, your construction company can establish itself as a trusted and respected voice within the industry.

What are the best social media platforms for construction companies? 

The best social media platforms for construction companies will depend on your goals. Linkedin will be instrumental in building professional relationships and recruitment. Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok will be relevant for displaying visual expertise. YouTube will be useful for video content. 

Fran adds: You don’t need to be active on every social media platform, but you do need to be active on platforms relevant to your goals. Identify what you want to get out of social media marketing and then identify the platforms that will help you achieve your goals.

“You will also want to consider your resources. Does somebody have time to invest in a particular channel? If not then you will want to avoid that one. Does somebody within your organisation have the knowledge and skill to manage a particular channel? If not, you may want to hire somebody to manage it or outsource the work.”

Embrace the digital change, stay relevant, and future-proof your business.

Digital and social media marketing is evolving whether you move with it or not according to Fran. “As we’ve highlighted with the skills gap issue, if you don’t adapt now, your business could struggle in the future. 

“This change will benefit your business all-round, supporting recruitment and conversion of customers.”

Indeed, a lot of people don’t understand how social media can benefit their construction business and its capabilities. It’s hard to see a direct return on investment when analysing your social media analytics, so business owners often disregard the channel as a waste of time.

Although it is true that you’re probably unlikely to convert a customer from one Instagram Story, you might because they’ve seen pictures of your work on your website and social media. 

Your social media is there to support the brand-building and buying process and your activity on the platforms could make sure you’re picked over a competitor. 

Addressing Concerns and Overcoming Challenges: Making Social Media Work for Your Construction Company

Embracing social media in the construction industry can feel daunting, especially with concerns like time commitment, budget limitations, and choosing the right platforms. However, by implementing these practical tips, you can approach social media strategically and reap its benefits:

1. Acknowledge Common Concerns:

  • Time commitment: Social media doesn’t have to be a full-time job. Start small, allocate specific times for content creation and engagement, and utilise scheduling tools to streamline the process.
  • Budget limitations: Numerous free and low-cost social media management tools are available. You don’t need a large budget to start; focus on creating high-quality content with your own resources. We offer social media marketing services and have packages to help get you started
  • Choosing the right platforms: Research your target audience and see where they spend their time online. Start with one or two relevant platforms to avoid being overwhelmed.

2. Practical Tips for Success:

  • Content planning: Develop a content calendar to plan your social media activity. This ensures consistency and prevents last-minute scrambles.
  • Free tools and resources: Utilise free tools for photo editing, video creation, and post-scheduling. Many platforms offer built-in analytics tools to track your performance and understand what resonates with your audience. We personally love Publer.
  • Focus on relevant platforms: Tailor your content and platforms to your target audience. While Instagram and Facebook pages are popular choices, platforms like LinkedIn and YouTube can be valuable for reaching skilled professionals and showcasing expertise.

3. Consistency is Key:

  • Developing a consistent and strategic approach is crucial for success. Regular engagement, posting frequency, and a clear brand voice are essential for building brand awareness and establishing trust.

Fran recommends “trying not to be everything to everyone. Start small, focus on providing value to your audience, and don’t be afraid to experiment and adapt your approach based on your results.” By overcoming these challenges and implementing these tips, your construction company can leverage the power of social media to achieve its business goals.

In Summary

In conclusion, social media is not just a trend; it’s a vital tool for construction companies looking to thrive in the digital age. As the industry evolves, it’s time for construction companies to build connections through the power of social media. 

Remember to check out our related content for more insights into effective social media strategies and tips for construction businesses. Don’t miss the opportunity to transform your online presence and elevate your construction brand.

By embracing social media in the construction industry and implementing a social media marketing strategy, construction companies can build stronger brands, attract new clients, and thrive in the digital age. Speak to us about marketing for construction companies.